Andrea Crespi’s work has captivated audiences across Europe and America; now, he is taking Asia by storm. With his visually stunning, socially conscious, and emotionally impactful pieces, Andrea has positioned himself as one of the most influential young artists on the national and international art scene. But what is the sound of freedom?
July, 2023

His recent exhibitions in Hong Kong and Beijing showcase his talent for combining art and technology, creating works that are as innovative as they are breathtaking. At Art Basel Hong Kong, Andrea presented an engaging and reflective work that explored the meaning of freedom. Through an essential and pure aesthetic, he combined visual art and music, matter, and algorithm, using artificial intelligence to create a sound element that encapsulated the concept of the work. The melody became the true protagonist, representing an emotional aid necessary to transport the viewer inside the work and question the meaning of freedom. Only the collector of the original piece could listen to the entire melody, symbolizing the limitation of freedom of expression that society still faces today.

Art Basel Hong Kong

Andrea’s second exhibition project in Asia, Crypto Art: A New Possibility, showcased his talent for using blockchain as a basis for creating art. Held at the Central Academy of Fine Arts Museum in Beijing, the exhibition was the first major international exhibition dedicated to cryptographic digital art. Andrea revisited Canova’s Amore e Psiche, creating an indissoluble thread between past and future eras that expanded on what Apuleius had already written and what Canova had already created.

Central Academy of Fine Arts

Art reflects our time & Andrea’s art does exactly that — exploring issues that touch us all on a deeply personal level.

The Varese-born phygital artist defines himself as a pop artist because he uses a recognizable aesthetic to convey messages about contemporary society and social changes. His medium ranges from physical to digital, and he has a unique ability to seamlessly blend the two in a way that is entirely his own. Many of Crespi’s works use optical illusions to communicate strong social messages or to depict cultural changes. The artist’s evolution as a phygital artist began with a desire to express himself through figurative female art, but he faced censorship challenges. After experimenting with various techniques, he discovered a way to represent nudity through visual illusions.

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GIOVANNA: Your artwork has the innate ability to bring out the inner child in the observer. How do you view the world today, and how has it evolved from your childhood perspective?

ANDREA: As I’ve grown older, I’ve gained a deeper understanding of the world around me. However, my biggest challenge is always to view the world through the eyes of a child. I strive to maintain my curiosity and openness to new experiences. As Franco Battiato once said, “It takes talent to grow old without becoming an adult.” I truly believe in this statement, and I aim to cultivate this talent throughout my life.

GIOVANNA : You’ve said you don’t consider yourself a street artist but a populist. Can you elaborate on this?

ANDREA: While I don’t identify as a street artist, I do use various mediums to express my artistic vision. Whether it’s a wall, a canvas, or a digital screen, the medium I choose is simply a tool to reach and communicate with as many people as possible. I don’t necessarily consider myself a populist either; I simply strive to send a message that anyone can understand.

GIOVANNA: What advice would you give to someone who has a vision but is too afraid to pursue it?

ANDREA: If you listen to fear, you’ve already lost. If you truly believe in something, do everything in your power to make it a reality. Having a vision is a precious gift, and not everyone is fortunate enough to have one. Don’t let fear hold you back from pursuing your dreams.

GIOVANNA: Where do you draw your inspiration from?

ANDREA: I draw my inspiration from life itself. People, travel, experiences, failures, emotions, and music. Everything has the potential to inspire me. What I create is an extension of what I feel, and I’m fortunate enough to have an endless stream of inspiration in my life.

Crack is Wack

Andrea Crespi is a true visionary, pushing the boundaries of what is possible with contemporary art. His ability to combine mediums, explore social issues, and create emotional connections with his audience makes him a standout in the art world and the world at large. As he continues to evolve his research and create new works, one thing is certain — Andrea Crespi is an artist to watch.


Photography by Leonardo Sassi